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Planning Board Minutes 05/09/05
Planning Board Minutes
May 9, 2005
Town Hall
Present: William Meegan, Chair, Mitch Posin, Russell Walton, John Flender, Janet Weidner, Richard Osnoss and Deborah Cini.
William Meegan opened the Public Hearing on the Pepperbush Farm Trust Subdivision Map 13 Parcel 6.
William Meegan read into the minutes the letter from Michael Vhay, Esq. to Ronald Rappaport Esq., a copy of which had been sent to the Planning Board. This letter reads as follows:
Following up on your facsimile to me dated May 3, 2005, this confirms the Pepperbush Farm Trust's agreement with the Chilmark Planning Board that:
1. The Planning Board may announce at this evening's meeting that (a) it will process the Trust's revised definitive subdivision plan (the "Revised Plan") as if it were a newly filed subdivision plan deemed filed as of today, for purposes of the Board's review and review by the Board of Health; (b) the Revised Plan will be entitled to the statutory protections against changes in governmental regulations that may have occurred since the filing of the Trust's original subdivision plan; and (c) no additional filing fees will be required.
2. The Planning Board may hold its first hearing on the Revised Plan at the Board's first regularly scheduled hearing date in June.
3. All members present at the June public hearing will be able to participate in the deliberations on the revised plan, absent a conflict of interest.
The Planning Board voted to consider this a new application and the 135 days starts today. Unanimous approval. Also the Board voted to hold a public hearing on this plan on June 13, 2005 at 4:30p.m. in Town Hall. The Board requested any comment from the Board of Health.
Public Hearing closed at 5:30p.m.
Minutes of April 25, 2005 were approved as written.
Russell Walton will be attending the all island Planning Board meeting this Thursday.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:00p.m
These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Acting Administrative Assistant.